Monday, March 21, 2016

Useful quotes on sex from some regular users.

Useful quotes on sex from some regular users! Ha ha!!!

Some quotes from friends with whom I had some discussions:

I would never pay for sex.  It does bother me however how much the females on this planet control sex.  (from a friend who has been married three times.)
In the first six months of marriage, you will love sex so much you’ll wish you could eat it.  In the second six months, you’ll wish you had. (as spoken to a 17 year old girl by her mother, which the daughter later related to me.)
I went to China, and visited all the brothels.  I found I could go twice a day every day.  I was rejuvenated.  What an experience!   Spoken by a 58 year old man who is overweight, in need of a good haircut, and married for a long time, and now feeling his oats after a lifetime of hard work and investing.)
There are two types of people in this world:  those who say they like sex but don’t want to do it, and those who say they like it and want to do it. Bobi D. Miles
Sex without love is an empty experience, but as empty experiences go, it is one of the best! Woody Allen.
The man who has the bucks, is the one who gets the fucks.  Ushii Digard. 
Marriage is not supposed to be a prison. Bobi D. Miles

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