Monday, March 28, 2022

How to protect yourself if your escort offers you bareback!!!!!

 So, you're getting ready to enjoy the pleasures of your favorite girl, and suddenly she surprises you with the offer of doing her bareback. 

Don't tell me you won't get the offer.  Even seasoned twitter professionals, such as @loladivina admitted in her book that she had done it. 

Why do they do it?

Well, there can be a number of reasons:

They are very horny.

They like you.

You have given them great pleasure in the foreplay leading up to the finale. 

They want to reward you.

Perhaps they feel that they can keep you as a regular by upping the game.

Maybe they ran out of condoms. 

So, the question is, how do you protect yourself when it's offered and can you safely take a chance?

Based on my experience, you can safely take the chance and enjoy the experience.  

There is nothing like kissing a girl you love, and there is nothing like condom free sex. 

So here are the things to keep in mind:

Most escorts are very careful about getting disease.  They make sure their clientelle are all covered up and often avoid those that ask for bareback service.  In fact, the escort is a better choice for sex than a girl you met in a bar because the girl in the bar may not have the same high standards as the escort and may not even be seeing a doctor for regular check ups. 

You should make sure you know the girl.  If you are into an ongoing relationship with her, then at least you have an idea as to her habits, and whether she takes care of herself. That is important.  Taking a chance on an unknown quantity could be risky. If there is bad odour, vaginal warts, sores or scabs in the area, then thank her for the offer and decline it.  

It's going to be hard to resist so you may already have taken the plunge and you want to be prepared. 

Respect the wishes of the escort.  If she says don't come inside her, then don't.  If she says you can, the chances are she is using birth control and won't be hitting you for child support. 

After intercourse, and a suitable moment of recuperation for yourself and your partner, take the time to wash you equipment bottom to top, and use soap and warm water.  Make sure you wash the exterior of the pee hole because that's where the adventurous pathogens will be.  Further to that, make sure you urinate to force out any pathogens that may have already worked their way up the urethra.  

If you do these things, you should not have any problems.  

I have had ongoing bareback relationships with as many as four girls, and occasional sessions with several other ladies and I have never had a problem.  I have had myself tested and have always come back clean.  

So, it is there for the enjoying, and you can enjoy it when it is offered if you keep those things in mind. 

By the way, you should respect the escorts wishes and not force her into a situation that she does not want.  

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