Sunday, December 18, 2016

Building Confidence with Girls

I am convinced that the reason most guys are not confident with girls is because they do not know what to expect in the way of sex should that ever occur.  More than likely, most girls are in the same boat as the guys, because other than porn, and what you learn from the street, there is no other way to really learn about sex.  Surely to goodness, you don't expect to learn about it in school with some hands on experience, correct?  

That is why God invented escorts.  For a young guy who has no idea how to go about doing things with a woman, an escort can be a godsend.  They can teach him all the little things he needs to know, particularly about a woman's body, but also about how to approach a woman and how to be nice to a woman.  Remember now, these girls are women and people too!  They can help in the important areas outside of sex, that is feelings, demeanor, manners, and other things. While the physical side is important, if you don't know the other stuff, you won't get close to the physical stuff.  

Normally, most guys would learn about this stuff with a girlfriend, and perhaps that is the way it should be.  But what if a guy is so shy that he cannot even get that far?  That is where an escort can take out the mystification and get him going in the right direction.  Something to think about. 

All of this is explained in my book, The Pecker Helper Handbook, essential reading for any guy who wants to make sure he is going to have a great sex life for all of his life, not just until he is forty.  The book is available at Kobo, Nook, Barnes and Noble and other e retailers.

You can also download it here at The Pecker Helper Handbook

If you would like to read the rest of this blog, go here:  The Pecker Helper Blog

Saturday, December 17, 2016

What good is long-term financial planning without long-term sexual health planning?

What good is long-term financial planning without long-term sexual health planning?

Wouldn't it be horrible to have tons of money, but no-one to have sex with?
Of course it would.
But, if you engage in long-term financial planning, but neglect long-term sexual health planning, then you could end up wealthy but impotent.
That would be such a waste, particularly when you can engage sexually at any age as long as there is interest and all the parts are working.
I personally know ladies in their eighties who don't mind a little attention from a friend or two.  There are many famous men who fathered children in their seventies.
You may not want to father children in your eighth decade, but if you want to enjoy some fun time with a partner, either younger or older you should be doing a couple of things.
Watch your cholesterol levels for sure.  Erectile dysfunction is nothing more than blocked arteries, and they get blocked first because they are small.  That means the big arteries are well on their way to being blocked and you are on your way to a stroke.
Diet and exercise is the best way to ensure that arteries don't get blocked and your erections function normally.
Dieting doesn't mean losing weight, although the smaller your gut, the more blood for the penis when you need it.  There are some good simple tests to make sure your waist is the right size for you.  Strip naked, Look straight ahead and look down without bending forward.  If you can see the family jewels, then your waist is the right size.
Exercise does not mean running a marathon every day.  Just make sure you have some good physical activity daily, and that in combination with some proper nutrition, (a better diet) should do the trick.
Even if you are a teenager, you want to be aware of this now.  Don't let that lithe body deteriorate.  Keep it looking good.  Get into the habit now.  It is a good habit for life.
You don't need drugs to keep everything working.  You do need some good food choices.
You may also need to get some more interesting partners.  That is why God created escorts.  These are women who can also help you develop sexual confidence.  They really do make for a better lifestyle.

All of this is explained in my book, The Pecker Helper Handbook, essential reading for any guy who wants to make sure he is going to have a great sex life for all of his life, not just until he is forty.  The book is available at Kobo, Nook, Barnes and Noble and other e retailers.
You can also download it here at The Pecker Helper Handbook

If you would like to read the rest of this blog, go here: The Pecker Helper Blog

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Getting Older but Looking Younger!

Getting older but looking younger! 

I must be one of those really lucky guys.  Most people cannot guess my age.  Even though my hair is streaked with grey, a la George Clooney,  or better still, that American Gigolo actor,  Richard Gere,  they still put me about 16 years younger than I am.  Now, it is also possible that these people are just trying to be nice, and of course, I am gullible, but it happens enough to make me think that something good might be working for me. 

The question is:  What am I doing right? 

I will answer by way of two stories. 

The first story is about something that happens everyday in my house.  Whenever I come home, no matter when, my dog comes charging down the stairs to see me.   He always comes down the stairs, wagging his tail, and with a big smile on his face. This little dog, (one of two that I have), is a chihuahua, and is 9 years old in people years, about 60 in dog years, but everyone thinks he is a puppy.  Of course, when he smiles, I smile.  And that smile is the thing that keeps me young looking, or at least it is one of them. 

The second story is a little more complicated.  I like to garden.  In the garden are different kinds of plants. Some of them flower for a short period of time and others flower the whole summer long.  Those that flower all summer need some special treatment.  If the flower gets inseminated by the pollen coming off a bee or from the wind, the flower immediately goes into seed making mode.  The plant’s main goal then is to nuture the baby, and so now that it is pregnant, it no longer needs the beautiful flower that made it so interesting in the first place.  Now if all the other flowers get inseminated, then the entire plant goes into seed making mode, and looks like hell!  There is an expression for that. It is called “going to seed”.  Now that is something you do not want to do. To make the flower look better longer, we deadhead, or pinch the faded blooms.  That sends a message to the flower's brain that says: " I need to make myself more attractive to attract attention from the bees" (ie, lovers).  

As we age, we get full of aches and pains, our metablolism slows down, we gain weight and before you know it, we are having less sex, and we start to look like we are going to seed.  How do you prevent this. 
The first thing to do is to keep smiling.  A smile is the sexiest thing you can do.  People like it because it means you are friendly, and they will look more favourably upon you. 
Secondly, you want to make sure you are still in the game.  That means, you should be in some way engaging in sex of some sort. 

There were five boys in my family, and I was the oldest. Four of us married.  One did not.  He in fact was two years younger than me and looked after my dad. People looked at him and actually thought he was older than me.  One day however, he surprised us and announced he was getting married to a girl about half his age. It didn’t take long, but soon he started looking younger again.  Why did he start looking younger?  He was back in the game.  He started having more sex than he had been getting when he was single.  To my eyes, this is proof that having sex makes you younger looking.  And you know something else?  He was smiling a lot too!  There you go! 
Any form of sex will do: fantasizing, masturbating, kissing, being in love, ogling, and most importantly, engaging in intercourse.  Of course, it helps to have a partner that you are still interested in.  I notice that those people who are in their second and third marriages might be happier than those that are still in their first marriages.  That is probably because they have not grown used to their partner.  But what if you have been married for a long time, say thirty years like me, and are really not excited enough by your partner to have sex?  There is a solution and it is all spelled out in my book, The Pecker Helper Handbook, which you can get as an e-book from Kobo, Nook or Barnes and Noble, or even right here:  The Pecker Helper Handbook

The most important thing to remember is that to keep looking younger, you have to be in the game.  Now you know what you have to do.  Go do it and be young.

If you would like to read the rest of this blog go here:The Pecker Helper Blog

Monday, October 3, 2016

The Hidden Message in Erectile Dysfunction

The Hidden Message in Erectile Dysfunction

So you’re all set with your significant other, and ready for a really good time and then it happens:  you can’t get it up. 

It happens to all of us. And it is nothing to be ashamed of either.  There can be all kinds of reasons for it.  You drank too much alcohol.  You ate too much food and your stomach needs the blood to digest it.  You’re too tired.  You masturbated too many times earlier today thinking about the big event tonight and you’re out of energy. Your smoking is catching up to you.   Or maybe even, you’re just a bit too familiar now with your partner and the thrill is gone. 

Whatever the reason, it is not the end of the world.  Just rest and try again later. 

If it happens occasionally, that is to be expected as we age.  (Although, a recent article in a national newspaper suggested that even college students are having ED issues!  But likely that is more about stress, nervousness and lack of experience, I hope!) 

If it starts happening all the time, then maybe you should tell your doctor.  

Erectile Dysfunction is a product of not enough blood getting into the penile arteries.  The question is why?  While it could be lack of desire, if it is happening all the time,  then, maybe there is another reason, something more pernicious.

As we get older, our doctors do their utmost to keep us healthier and alive.  Often that means putting you on drug regimens.  But did you know that many of those drugs actually can cause the ED we don’t want?  For instance, few people are aware that the statin drugs so widely used today to lower blood cholesterol also decrease the production of the male hormone testosterone. Diuretics, blood pressure medication, cimetidine, marijuana and chemotherapy also trigger ED. All told there are 48 drugs that hinder an erection.

The really bad news, however, is that your arteries could be blocked by cholesterol buildup.  Penile arteries are smaller by comparison to the other arteries in your body, and as a result can become blocked by fatty deposits long before the major arteries do.  What does that mean?  According to Dr. Gerald Brock, a London, Ontario urologist, ED is a good predictor of heart disease.  In fact, a steady bout of ED could indicate that a stroke, or a heart attack is likely within the next three years.  You can find more on this by visiting the website, where Dr. Ken Walker writes about erectile dysfunction and many other areas on general health.  That is where the reference to Dr. Gerald Brock originated. 

The good news is that if you treat it as an early warning system, then, no matter what your age, you can put a program in place to reverse your ED, which could save your life. 

I am not your doctor, so you should check with your doctor for his advice. 

But there are some simple and easy things you can do to clear up your arteries and reverse your ED.  The time to start is now.  If you want to know what one fellow did to reverse his ED, read about it in the e book The Pecker Helper Handbook, available at Nook, Kobo and Barnes and Noble or right here: The Pecker Helper Handbook I will talk more about them in a future article. 

To see the rest of this blog go here: The Pecker Helper Blog

Bobi D Miles
Author:  The Pecker Helper Handbook


Thursday, July 21, 2016

Summary of the book: Pecker Helper Handbook

Summary of the book:  The Pecker Helper Handbook

This book was written with two thoughts in mind:  how do you deal with erectile dysfunction, and then how do you deal with the declining sexual activity that occurs later in a long marriage, especially if you want to be sexually active, and your spouse does not. 
The author found himself to be in a situation where he was not getting the sex he liked and he was concerned that his performance was faltering.  

He decided to find out the reasons for his sexual failure:  was it too much time in?  was it boredom?  was it familiarity?  was it health related?

He discovered that his real problem was health related.  Erectile dysfunction was a symptom of clogged arteries and that meant that it was an indication that a stroke or heart attack was looming on the horizon.  He did the research and decided he better do something about it. 

He changed his diet, adjusted his exercise routine, and then decided to explore the possibilities of finding some new sex partners. 

He did not want to leave his marriage, but since he and his wife were not longer having sex, he didn't feel that had to do without. 

The book shows what he did, the results he achieved, and how it could work for any male who finds himself in the same situation.  

The writing style is easy to read, and flows well. There is a minimum of scientific jargon. Mostly, it is the kind of conversation that a bunch of guys could have over a beer.  

Better health, better sex and and happier lifestyle are the result.  

Currently, the book is available as an e-book at:  The Pecker Helper Handbook.

This book is also available at Kobo, Barnes and Noble, iBooks, and a number of other e book publishers. 

If you would like to read the rest of this blog, go here:  The Pecker Helper Blog

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

My Girlfriend is cute but doesn't go to the gym. From Rae Monroe VIP blog on Tumblir.

This blog item came from Rae Monroe VIP 

blog on Tumblir.  The link is here:

Anonymous asked: My girlfriend is cute but doesn't go to the gym, she's starting to gain weight and her ass isn't as toned anymore, is there a way I can suggest she hit the gym without getting her ire?
First off - You should appreciate your gf just the way she is. I’m going to give you a suggestion but just know deep down that I feel trying to manipulate her is wrong, but even worse would be you approaching this the wrong way and potentially hurting her feelings or ruining your relationship due to a misunderstanding. 
First, go to her dresser or closet and find something that “used” to fit her well and check the size. Now, go shopping and buy her an outfit or article of clothing in that size. Something you KNOW she will love. Next, get that shit gift wrapped, and buy her flowers and tell her you have a surprise for her for the weekend. Book a date out at a nice theater or something cool and when she opens the box she will be elated, but upset because IT DOESN’T FIT.
This is where you need to be the best bf ever and reassure her you LOVE HER just the way she is and you can return it for a bigger size. Then, tell her to put on something different that makes her feel beautiful and take her out on the date. 
The next day BUY HER FLOWERS and when you give them to her tell her that you couldn’t stop thinking about how you got the wrong size and that you love her and want her to know she is beautiful. 
More often than not the simple act of acceptance can galvanize someone’s desire to make a change. If during the course of this she brings up going to the gym DO NOT jump on it. Just be like, “Well baby if that’s something you want to do that would be great, I’d love to be able to go workout with you. It would just be one more way for us to spend time together.”
Look, that’s how I would handle it if I had a gf I wanted to encourage to go to the gym without seeming like an insensitive dick. While you may want her to work out, she may just be comfortable in your relationship and not think that you’re disappointed with how she looks and takes care of herself. 
Hopefully you’re a virile male specimen because if you’re not and you’re asking this question you’re a jackass. Just sayin’. Editor's note:  Hopefully your ass isn't getting too big either or you should both go to the gym!

Note:  If you would like to view a different perpective on this issue, read The Pecker Helper Handbook

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Prostitution: An essential service.

I think prostitution gets an undeserved bad rap from special interest groups and politicians looking for someone to beat up who isn’t going to get much support.  There are many women’s groups out there who would say that prostitutes don’t want to do this kind of work and that they are forced into it and are exploited by men.  That may be the case in some situations, but based on my experience, this is not the case most of the time.  I only know two girls who told me they hated the job, while most of the others said they were happy to be doing it.  One even told me:  “I like cock.”  Many of the girls in this business are in it because they can make some good money from an unending list of men desperate for some sex.  Probably, the men are desperate for companionship, and someone who will listen to them.  The sex is a bonus, but they sure want it.  I know I wanted it.  When I first met that stripper in the bar who gave me a private dance, I knew I wanted it. 
One of my friends once complained to me that he hated the way women controlled sex.  He then said that he wouldn’t pay for it.  I wonder just how much he did pay for it.  (He had been married three times and says he gets along well with all of his ex wives- haha!!!!!)  Someone here is not seeing things clearly.  I have been married for 30 years as of the time of this writing and I get along with my wife.  Unfortunately I no longer have the desire to have sex with her.  She has refused all my efforts to get her to lose some weight. She tells me that she does not like her body, and after a while, I have decided that I did not like it either.  But we still get along.  So I try to be nice to her in other ways:  buy her gifts, take her places, drive her where she needs to go, look after her aging mother’s needs, and basically let her think she is in charge. 
This is where I think that some people like sex and want it, and others say that they like it but really are not interested. 
At this point one might ask, well, why don’t you get yourself a girlfriend?
Well, I did. 
A girlfriend, as opposed to an affair, can be a tricky thing.
With the affair, you can make an arrangement to meet up regularly.  You both agree to have sex, and that satisfies everyone’s needs.  The relationship might include some other benefits such as lunches, and maybe some movies or other entertainment, but the focus could be more on the sex.  You just have to find the right partner.
The girlfriend is different.  She wants to be treated as a girlfriend.  That means romancing, flowers, taking the time to listen to her, and entertaining her.  Sex then, is something you just don’t get right away easily, rather, you have to win it.  A girlfriend rewards you with sex.  I hope she is not stingy.  It is great if you have a loving warm relationship.  There is nothing like that.  But you might want to take a look at your goals, and determine whether you have all the time to do all these things. Remember, you still have a wife and your other family obligations.  If you’re working, time will be at a premium.  You may not get the results you are seeking.  That could lead to a lot of frustration.  So in my view, a prostitute is way more efficient. You get the maximum value for your money, and your time.  No fights and no arguments either.
I was having lunch with my girlfriend the other day and she mentioned that a friend of hers was told by another woman that all men think about is sex.  No kidding!  We like it and we are programmed for it.  Women on the other hand are programmed to keep sex scarce so as not to devalue its currency.  This drives men crazy.  For that we need an outlet.  Prostitution should be encouraged and legal. In fact, perhaps they should be declared an essential service. 
There should be government run brothels for both men and women, including lesbian, gay and transgendered people.  The state could pay for everything including health checks for all participants.
This would also be the perfect opportunity to provide training and job skills for those girls in the business who do not have any other social skills.  A state run brothel will require maids, cleaners, accountants,  and other skilled workers.  This will be an opportunity to provide these people with training under government auspices and will give these people needed job skills so they can possibly get out of the business if they want.  It would be set up in a situation where many of them feel comfortable.  I am sure that in some cases, a lot of the workers in this field do this because they have a lack of education or appropriate opportunities to choose a different occupation.  Some of them may also have mental issues, and perhaps have difficulty working in the normal world.  Give them some skills and they might succeed. 
In many respects, having access to sex is as vital as eating, having accommodation, and water and sewage systems.  Without these, society would devolve into anarchy.  (When you look at the current states of upheaval in the Muslim world, do you wonder how much is due to sex?  Or the lack of it for the males?  Don’t tell me I am crazy!  Both Boca Haram and Isis promise their recruits wives.  Obviously something is missing in their lives! ) 
Happy men do not want to fight.  Men who are getting laid regularly are too tired to fight.  But they are free to focus on creative wealth building strategies that could make for a better world.  The economic activity generated by this would more than pay for the cost of providing the service for free.  In addition, it would lower the unemployment rate.  
If all the men are getting enough sex, my theory is that there wouldn’t be any more wars.  The men would be too tired and way too happy to want to fight.  Actually, when there are too many men and not enough women, that creates conditions for war. It has been suggested that the reason for the British expansion and empire building in the 1700’s was because they had too many men at home without wives, and might cause political instability.  Send them away to conquer new lands and that solves the problem!  The Romans didn’t have enough women at one time and waged war on the Sabines.  The Rape of the Sabines was famous in history as the Roman men took the women home to be their wives. It will be interesting to see whether China expands militarily in the next ten years (2016) because they have too many men who cannot find wives. That is not good. 
Another friend of mine recently returned from Asia and spent the last week of his holidays visiting every brothel he could, twice a day.  He was telling me how rejuvenated he was.  But he also told me that many of the girls came from towns where there were no prospects for themselves, and their families were not well off.  The only way they could support the families was to go into this business where they could make far more money than they would ever make working for Foxcomm or some other such manufacturer.  They would send the money back to their families.  They would also save enough money so that they could go home and start a business.  They would need to because it was feared that no man would ever marry them.  I am not sure if that would be the case totally, but it does show that the girls can earn money because men want the service.  And men are willing to pay.  A factory girl who could earn $ 100 a day in North America, could earn 4 times that amount in a day in a massage parlour.  I have known massage girls who told me they could earn $ 400 minimum.  One gal even told me she could make $ 1500 a night. Beats minimum wage!  Other fellows have also told me that the girls they met only plan to be in the business for a while, save up some cash and then start a business.
If you would like to know more, download this book: The Pecker Helper Handbook Also available at Kobo, Barnes and Noble,  and Nook.  

If you would like to read the rest of this blog go here: The Pecker Helper Blog

Sunday, April 3, 2016

The Pleasure of Prostitutes

Why would anyone want to write a book about prostitutes?
If you write it, and you try to take any credit for it, you will get hammered in the media as a loser, and your wife or girlfriend or friends will deplore you. Or try to kill you.  For me, that is the biggest risk of all! 
Unfortunately, that does not help a lot of people for whom prostitution is a godsend.  By that, I am talking about the men who frequent prostitutes, and the girls who supply the sexual services that the men are seeking, and for which they are willing to pay.  
The girls get a really bad rap for a number of reasons: 
Firstly, it is not really considered to be a desired occupation.  Prostitutes have to live double lives, separating their workplace experiences from their regular world.  
Secondly, if you believe the banter of some women’s groups, and even some men’s groups, no woman wants to be a prostitute. They are either forced into it, exploited, or do it out of desperation. 
There are health concerns as well.  These women are exposed to men who can carry diseases, which may cause injury, sickness or death.   (Of course, it can work the other way too – guys can get exposed to disease and risk from them.)
The girls are sometimes exposed to violence.  The case of the Vancouver missing women would be a definite case in point. Over 20 went missing and were murdered by a depraved man on a pig farm. 
It is not something you would want your daughter to do. 
There is also exposure to drugs, and the cycle of dependency.  Once entered, it is hard to get out of.  It can lead to a nasty end.
The men on the other hand are considered to be losers, and evil people who take advantage of dependent human beings, and treat them like dirt.  The theory here is that if you have to pay for it you don’t deserve it.  Says who?
Well, there may be some bad apples out there, but I am not one.  I have taken great care to treat all the prostitutes with whom I had any dealings with the greatest of respect.  I always thank them for being available.  I am also pretty certain that they thank me for showing up instead of some creep who smells bad and looks worse.
In this book, I am talking about female prostitutes.  They are the ones I have experience with.  (I have never met, nor been involved with a male prostitute. )
On the other hand, I have met a lot of prostitutes who seemed to actually enjoy the profession.  They have set up shop as masseuses and offer sexual services at the end of a massage.  For that you pay them, and it seems like a good preparation for a great sexual event.   And while it is work, it is work that can pay very well if you are good at it.  For the girls who like it, they seem to develop good relationships with the men who are their clients.  One girl I know sets up a Christmas tree in her place every year and she is showered with gifts from her men.  It is amazing!  And all the guys know that there are other guys with her both before and after their event.
This book was written in an attempt to help guys like me who were feeling the need for additional sex in their lives for whatever reason.  A need they wanted filled quickly! 
Maybe they had been married a long time and the wife no longer had any interest in them.  But they still wanted sex. 
Perhaps their partner had health issues. Maybe she was ill and could no longer participate with him. 
Maybe the wife had gained a lot of weight and was no longer attractive to her man.  Maybe he had gained weight and the wife refused his sexual advances.
Perhaps his wife or girlfriend was deceased.  
Perhaps the man was concerned about his failing virility and wanted to see if something new would make him perform better. 
Maybe the guy did not want to have an affair, or fall in love with another woman who was not his wife.  So he sought out a prostitute to whom he could pay some money, and leave feeling a little less guilty. 
Whatever the reason, and any reason is legitimate, these women are there to take his money and help him out.  For me, I am glad they are there.  I think these women perform a very useful service. 
This section of the book will talk about everything a man who is considering visiting a prostitute will need to know and think about.  It may not provide all the answers, but it should provide many.  Topics covered include the following:
The Benefits
The Risks
Prostitutes vs. an Affair
What are your options for sexual adventure
What is the best way to get the most out of a prostitute
Where can I find them
Decoding  the ads.
I will even give you a sample of my experience with various girls, some of whom I had only seen once, and others that I have seen continually so that you can get an idea of what you can expect. Some of it is good, some of it is not so good.  But this is so you can make better decisions should you decide to go this route.
In all cases, I think it is best if I tell you my story from my perspective.  This is not something I have discussed with lots of other people, mainly due to reasons of privacy.  I do not really want everyone to know my business.
I did ask a bunch of fellows on an Escort Review Board why they themselves visited prostitutes, and the best response  I got was from the guy who said:  “Why watch porn when you can live it?”  God, I loved that response.  And he is right.  Other responses included: 
the wife was a dead fish,
wife wasn’t interested,
needed a change,
was divorced,
no girlfriend,
wife was incapacitated due to illness or injury,
Of course, you will have to search for the right girl to who can help you fulfil your dreams. But that is part of the fun. When you find her, make sure you can keep in contact with her. 
One of those girls whom I should have kept in contact with was a lady named “Helen” who was a Korean and who provided massage on Sunday afternoons at a place in the suburbs.  I would go there after working out in the gym, and parked the car and she would be waiting inside.  I would undress, request a half hour massage, and after she had oiled my body from top to bottom, she would ask me to turn over and we knew what was going to happen next.  I would run my hand up her thigh under her short skirt and she would undress and slide her body up and down mine.  In those days I would not indulge in oral sex, and she did not perform it on me either, but our rubbing included substantial kissing, and when my fingers ventured near her sex she was absolutely soaking wet.
She blamed that on me.  I was happy to accept responsibility.
Once she was sliding on me and I am sure that she slid my member into her pussy.  I was having a real problem getting it up back then, so I cannot even say for sure that it happened, but I always finished out side of her standing up, kissing her while I fingered her pussy and she stroked my nipples, and I stroked my manhood.
The place shut down, and I lost her.  No one on the escort review agency could tell me where she went, so we lost her for keeps.  She really was a keeper.   That was when I learned that if you find someone you like, get some contact information.  Then if she moves, you can keep seeing her, if she will allow it.  
A friend of mine who had been married a long time, just came back from Asia where (as soon as he was away from the clutches of his family members), he had visited a number of brothels where he paid as little as twenty dollars for a session with a girl.  He hadn’t had sex for a long time, and felt completely rejuvenated. 
His story is not unlike mine. 
One time we were away on a holiday, with my wife, kids and mother in law.  I felt I needed a break from the confinement of my family and their usual disagreements.   I told my wife I was going out for a drink.  She said:  “OK.” 
I ended up in a strip bar, and was watching a show when I was approached by a lady who offered to take me to a room and perform a little strip for me.  It was for $ 20 a song.  Next thing I knew I was down $ 80 and she was naked.  I was enchanted, but then she had to perform on stage.  I came back two days later and was approached by a different girl who did the same things and let me touch her and I thought this was heaven.  It was like being with my first girl.  Suddenly, I was like my friend:  rejuvenated! 
I had to have more.
Mother Nature has programmed men to want to have sex.  If we are not having sex, we are probably thinking about it or masturbating. This is also a good thing because it cleans out the sperm ducts and probably helps prevent prostate cancer.  Women may want a little more romancing before they are willing to engage in sex. And they might really want that huge emotional commitment which you might not be in a position to give them.   Thank God there are women who will engage in sex in return for some money. 
I am no doctor, or health specialist, but I do like to read on the topic of male sexual health.  That comment I just made about cleaning out the sperm ducts is really important.  (Actually, this weekend, there was a published study referenced on a local TV station that made the following point:   when your weight goes down, your cholesterol goes down, and so does your blood pressure!  That is the point of my book here!  Lower weight = less clogged arteries (cholesterol) and that means better erections! )  I expect them to take another ten years to figure out if you do not empty your sperm ducts regularly, then you are setting yourself up for prostate cancer or worse! 
What can be worse than prostate cancer you might ask? 
This is a painful condition of the testicles where they get inflamed, and hurt like hell!  One of the cures is masturbation, so that the tubes can be unplugged!  NO shit! 
If you own a young puppy, you will see that he constantly rubs his penis into things to help relieve himself!  Even older dogs will do this.  I did the same thing as a young male, and probably you did it too!  Only you didn’t do it like my puppy did.  Instead, you ran into the bathroom and did it, or did it in your bedroom.  Otherwise, you were going to have an orchidectomy!  That is where they cut off your balls and solve the problem. You really do not want that.  That is what they did to my puppy.  Poor guy. 
I had a couple of friends who suffered from prostatitis.  They were the ones who told me how painful it was.  One guy was a very tall, handsome fellow, who actually got laid a lot when he was single!  Because of this, he got out of the habit of masturbating so that he could be ready for the next opportunity.  As he got older, the opportunities became fewer and fewer, and with all the other pressures of life, he did not have the time to clear out his scrotum.  That’s when the attacks started.  Again, the doctors can prescribe drugs for inflammation, but they also told him to jerk off!  
Another fellow I know was a geek and probably too ashamed to masturbate.  His wife told me about his condition.  I guess I should have taken that as an opening to explore whether or not she was getting enough, because she was an attractive lady, but I did not.
Finally, a distant cousin of mine, a devout Catholic, was probably brow beaten by the priests and his parents into avoiding that sin whereof I speak.  He got prostate cancer at a very young age.  He did not have a happy outcome.  I wonder if the priests get prostate cancer? 
Women on the other hand, have a similar problem.  Did you know that the vibrator was invented so that women who needed to masturbate would have a tool to help them get off?  It sure calmed them down.  A radio broadcaster mentioned this on his radio show many years ago because one doctor was tired of having to calm down all these hyper women he kept seeing by giving them a good fingering every time they came to this office. I guess he wasn’t getting off and the girls were not accommodating him for all he was doing for them.  Talk about frustrating! 
Is there a message in this?  Yes!  Sex is important!
You won’t believe what you are going to read next, but it appears that sex is important for humans as a lifelong necessity:
“Pornography at Nursing Homes?   Once again from the docgiff website.  I have copied this article in its entirety.
May 19th, 2002
This week I ran into the same problem I’ve encountered many times before. Many writers will understand. I was bored, weary of my computer and barren of ideas. I’ve written 1400 columns during the last 28 years. And I desperately needed a new topic to keep me from falling asleep. Suddenly I discovered it in Denmark. Then I couldn’t wait to get back to my computer. Why? Because this story could never happen in "Canada the Good"!
A unique event has happened at the Thorupgaarden nursing home in Copenhagen. Don’t ask me how it started. But the staff must have had a few fascinating discussions before making their earth-shaking pronouncement. They decided, in their infinite wisdom, that pornography has a greater calming effect on seniors than medication.
So how do they know this? I remember a song of years ago, "Saturday night is the loneliest night of the week". Well, evidently it’s not so lonely anymore at Thorupgaarden. Every Saturday night pornographic videos are shown on the home’s internal channel.
But before all my proper Canadian readers turn blue, you must understand that that’s not all that happens at Thorupgaarden. If residents are still feeling a little depressed and still not relaxed by looking at pornographic videos caregivers have another therapy to offer. Residents can request that a prostitute be allowed to visit.
Lars Elmsted Petersen, a spokesperson for the Danish Seniors lobby group, says pornography is healthier, cheaper and easier to use than medicine. If she’s right, what a novel way to decrease the escalating healthcare costs of seniors in this country!
So how have the Danes citizens and Thorupgaarden residents reacted to this unorthodox therapy? Maj-Britt, a department head at Thorupgaarden, says that sexuality is often overlooked in nursing homes. And that there has been only one complaint about these videos since the program started three years ago. And Danish gerontologists (experts who care for the aged) also agree with this practice.
What about the Danish government? Does it have any objections? No. It released a report stating that sexuality is an integral part of life for both seniors and disabled people. And it agrees with caregivers that elderly patients should be able to satisfy their sexual needs.
Before I go further let me reassure readers I’m no friend of child pornography. I’m also convinced that the moral standards of North Americans have gone to hell. But I also believe there’s an unhealthy tendency on this continent to label seniors as "perverts" or "dirty old men" if they show any evidence of sexuality.
So could this Danish move benefit our seniors? Would it convince puritans to take a more realistic view of sex. And hopefully teach young people that elderly parents don’t automatically stop thinking about sex at 60, 70 or whatever age. After all, it’s not young males that are lining up to get a Viagra prescription!
But do I envision this broadminded therapy for seniors in Canada? People from other countries often ask me "What is the difference between Montreal and Toronto. I usually reply, "In Toronto they make money. In Montreal they make love". So, maybe at some future time Quebecers will agree that seniors think more about sex than Anne of Green Gables.
But what about our politicians? Do they possess the same intestinal fortitude as Danes to say sex is healthy for seniors? Can you imagine in your wildest dreams the "Liberal" government sanctioning such a liberal act?  Or Toronto the Good advocating pornography and Ladies of the Night for seniors?  Fat chance!
As for me? I’m grateful to the Danes for this week’s inspiration. And I also hope it’s also kept you from dozing off.
I suspect this topic has shocked some readers. If it has, just remember it’s prudent never to ask for whom the bell tolls. We too may be sitting in a not-so-interesting nursing home one day. We’ll be bored as hell. And hey! A pornographic  video on a Saturday night might add a spark to life and bring back memories. When it’s my time to go I’d rather end it with a lady-of-the-night than falling off my rocking chair.”
The Garden Effect
Having sex on a regular basis has another wonderful benefit:  I call it the garden effect.
When you have a garden, certain flowering plants must be constantly deadheaded to ensure future blooms that season.   Once the flower has been fertilized, the flower fades and the plant’s energy goes into making seed.  Eventually, if all the flowers go to seed, then the plant is ready to be hauled out of the garden and replaced with something else. Thus the expression “gone to seed” is used to explain a person who has really let themself go.   When the fading flower is deadheaded, then the plant cannot make seeds, so it makes a new flower so it can get on with the reproductive process.  That keeps the flower looking good. The same is true of human beings.  No matter what your age, if you are having sex, whether masturbation or the real thing, your body thinks you are still in the game.    Even unattractive people who have sex are livelier and more vital than those who are not having any.  You do not want to go to seed! 
If you want to stay younger longer, you will want to be having sex in some form as regularly as possible. 
I am 64 at the time I write this, but I have been told I look like I am in my early fifties.  I am a happy guy.  Sure it could be good genes, but I ascribe it to having a healthy sex life.  My younger brothers both look older than me.  They have the same genes as I.  My first sibling actually married late in life, (in his fifties), and actually started looking much younger as he was having lots of sex with his new bride of half his age!  They had some kids too!  Good for him. 
I also think there are two types of people in the world:  Those who say they like sex but really don’t want to do it, and those who like and want to do it.  I am one of the latter.  These people belong to either sex.
Some of you are now going to be asking a rather obvious question.  “How about honoring your marital vows? “  Ok.  Good question.  As I recall my vows were to forsake all others, love, honour and obey, and be loyal in sickness and in health.  I still love my wife, and I honour her.  The women I engage with are there strictly for my sexual pleasure.  When my wife is sick, I look after her.  When the other women are sick, I cannot look after them.  That arrangement is strictly- business.  My wife and family get priority.  I make sure that I look after my wife and my family’s financial obligations.  I do not look after any other families.  My family is well looked after.  I kiss my wife daily and hold her hands in public and treat as she would want to be treated.  So far as I am concerned, I am honoring my vows. 
Further to that, one time when my wife and I had an argument over the lack of sex, I told her that I might have to go elsewhere because I was going to have sex.  She said ok, but please use protection. I just heard the same thing from another man whose wife told him the same thing.  Women do not always want to have sex like men. They are realists.  That is why we love our wives! 

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Monday, March 21, 2016

Useful quotes on sex from some regular users.

Useful quotes on sex from some regular users! Ha ha!!!

Some quotes from friends with whom I had some discussions:

I would never pay for sex.  It does bother me however how much the females on this planet control sex.  (from a friend who has been married three times.)
In the first six months of marriage, you will love sex so much you’ll wish you could eat it.  In the second six months, you’ll wish you had. (as spoken to a 17 year old girl by her mother, which the daughter later related to me.)
I went to China, and visited all the brothels.  I found I could go twice a day every day.  I was rejuvenated.  What an experience!   Spoken by a 58 year old man who is overweight, in need of a good haircut, and married for a long time, and now feeling his oats after a lifetime of hard work and investing.)
There are two types of people in this world:  those who say they like sex but don’t want to do it, and those who say they like it and want to do it. Bobi D. Miles
Sex without love is an empty experience, but as empty experiences go, it is one of the best! Woody Allen.
The man who has the bucks, is the one who gets the fucks.  Ushii Digard. 
Marriage is not supposed to be a prison. Bobi D. Miles

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