Saturday, December 9, 2017

Elliot Spitzer - We done you wrong!!!!!

With the recent spate of #MeToo revelations and all of those women finally being able to gang up on abusive men who took advantage of them, I think it is time that we looked at our attitudes towards men who pay for sex with escorts.

I am happy to say that I support all these women coming forward. I think that sexual abuse by men in power, or anyone in power, whether male or female, deserves condemnation and punishement. As a male, I can tell you that I have been in situations where both males and females attempted to abuse me.  Mostly they were business related.  I am pleased to say that I escaped all of these situations unscathed.

There is however one situation that we should examine.

The case in point is that of Elliot Spitzer, a former Governor of the State of New York.  Here is a guy who got caught in a situation, apparently not from doing anything wrong, as much as it was that he made a wire transfer of $10,000 US that was flagged by authorities because they were concerned that he was the victim of fraud, blackmail or identity theft.  He contracted with an agency to book an escort for a session in a hotel, and sent money for her and also future engagements.

It does not appear that he stole money from the Treasury of the State of New York, or did anything else illicit.

Of course his wife might have been annoyed, not so much because he used a hooker, but more so because of the fuss created by the publicity. I am not even sure that they were married at the time anyway, and eventually she did divorce him.

They had up until that point been married 26 years.

With three daughters, what do you think the chances are that they were still having sex?  Probably not, and certainly not enough for Mr. Spitzer.  So he did the logical thing,  He hired an escort.  An expensive one at that, but perhaps he was in a position to afford it.

I believe that there are two types of people in this world:  those who say they like sex and want to do it and those who say they like it but don't want to do it.  If you want to do it, and have a partner who doesn't want to do it, then does that mean you have to do without?

There is so much more to marriage than just the sex part of it that having an outside dalliance should not put the marriage in jeopardy.

Hiring an escorts is easier than having an affair, and that goes for both men and women.  I think it is time that we faced this reality and adjusted our attitudes to allow those who want to have sex, to be able to have it and enjoy it in consensual relationships.

What if guys like Matt Lauer and Garrison Keiller(say it isn/t so)  and Harvey Weinstein had used escorts regularly to settle their sexual urges, perhaps they would have been less inclined to abuse their victims?

Time for us to adjust our attitudes.  And if Elliot Spitzer was a good Governor, why not let him run again?  His ability to govern the State should not be affected by his desire to get his freak on.

All of this is explained in my book, The Pecker Helper Handbook, essential reading for any guy who wants to make sure he is going to have a great sex life for all of his life, not just until he is forty.  The book is available at Kobo, Nook, Barnes and Noble and other e retailers.

You can also download it here at The Pecker Helper Handbook

To see the rest of this blog, go here: Pecker Helper Blog

Friday, February 3, 2017

Escort Etiquette

Escort Etiquette

If you read all the blogs or comments on Twitter from escorts, you would think that the customers are the only ones who actually deserve to be reprimanded for bad behaviour.  

Unfortunately, the escorts in some cases could use a gentle reminder that the client is not the only one who messes up. 

As an example, I give you this:  I called a regular girl the other day and asked if she could be available for me later in the week at 3:00 pm.  She agreed.  At 2:40 pm she texted me and told me she was running behind.  She needed twenty minutes.  I agreed. She had still not arrived forty minutes later.  At this point I was starting to run out of time.  Fortunately she arrived and we enjoyed the transaction, but I was under a bit of pressure to enjoy and then get going because I had some committments I had to meet. Thank goodness I had allowed myself a margin of error.  

In this particular case, the lady told me that she had to do shopping because it was Chinese New Year the next day and all the stores would be closed.  The she told me she had missed four calls that day as well.  I happen to be a forgiving sort of guy and didn't say anything, but as in many long-term relationships, one sometimes takes advantage of the other because they feel there is some room to play.  Sadly, this has happened too regularly to me. That is why I did not see her for six months.  Of course, she will tell me she misses me, but I know she really missed my money. 

So rule number one:  be on time for appointments especially if someone gives you lots of notice and they are a regular client. That is how you keep clients regular. Mess 'em around and they explore their other choices.    

Then of course there is the girl who advertised  the largest boobs on the net, but when I got there, and after I had given her the contribution, I discovered that all I could do was look at them and not touch them.  She should have covered them up so I would not have noticed them.  Then I could have gone elsewhere or saved my money.  No wonder there are escort review boards!  I am not a hobbyist, but I can understand why someone would want to condemn a service provider like that.  Especially if he went there because she had large boobs, and he was a boob man. On top of that, she kept phoning the management at the front desk of her hotel and arguing with them about paying for the room that day.  I guess she was a hard case after all, new to the business, and didn't know how to manage things.  Hopefully she will learn how to treat a client. I guess the message here is to make sure the message you are sending is the message you want people to receive. 

My biggest pet peeve is with a lady whom I see semi regularly, whom I pay a premium to visit with.  She is by herself but is so popular she has three rooms going at once. I really wish she would raise her prices. I pay almost double what she requests, but I have to share her with 2 other guys even though I ask to be first on that day, or ask when the best time is when she is not busy.  I guess I will have to take her to a hotel next time to get her all to myself. 

It is not the only time I have seen this happen.  Other girls have finished with me and almost brought the next guy into the room as I was dressing.  I am sure you are laughing at this.  The rule here would be to let the next guy wait his turn until the first guy is gone.  Not sure why some of the girls don't get this.  Especially if you are not running over on time!  

Another issue:  cleanliness really is next to "goddessness". I visited a lady recently whom I am quite intimate with, and her place was a mess!  Towels, clothes, drinks, and food everywhere!  I kept wondering if she was all right. Looked like she had moved into her hotel room.  It does not make a good impression.  It also makes you wonder whether the lady is doing drugs and is on her way to down and out.  I did ask her if everything is all right and she assured me it was.  Maybe it was just a bad day for her. 

And finally:  when the client arrives and the service starts, don't answer the phone:  you're busy.  Give the client your full attention.  One fellow was amazed that one girl could answer the phone while she had a mouthful of his manhood.  I am not sure how she did it, but it sure kills the moment.  I think she did it with me and that was why I didn't go back to see her again.  

Nobody is perfect, but if you have customers, you should strive to look after them professionally.  That is how you keep them, and it is also the way to being able to raise your rates.  

There are of course, rules for the clients too:  You can find out more about them here:  download my ebook, The Pecker Helper Handbook, essential reading for any guy who wants to make sure he is going to have a great sex life for all of his life, not just until he is forty.  The book is available at Kobo, Nook, Barnes and Noble and other e retailers.  
You can also download it here at The Pecker Helper Handbook  To view the rest of this blog, go here: The Pecker Helper Blog

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Reducing the odds for prostate cancer

Reducing the odds for  prostate cancer

There has been a lot of discussion in the news this year about prostate cancer.  Some people say: “Just ignore it, you will probably die with it, but not from it.” while others say, “Jump all over it now and go for the full treatment.” 

I have also heard that some people have died from complications that arose after the surgery.  Blood clots, and infection are among the culprits, not to say anything about the loss of your sexual powers that seems to come from doing anything to the prostate. 

Now I am not a doctor, and therefor would seem to be completely unqualified to talk about prostate cancer.  Furthermore, to the best of my knowledge, I do not have prostate cancer, or indications that something is happening that way.  At the time of writing this, I am 65 years of age. 

Let’s lay all that aside for a minute.  What I would like to point out to you is that I have observed a number of things that have given me some insight to this unpleasant condition. 

Scientists can learn a lot from observation, and so can you. If you get the opportunity to talk to anyone who has got prostate cancer, just ask them one simple question.  It is a bit personal, but if you do not get smacked, then maybe you will get an insightful answer. 

Just ask them if they ever masturbated, and did they do so regularly. 

In my social circle, I have a group of friends who have suffered from prostate cancer and I asked them the question.  In all cases, those who developed the disease did not ever masturbate.  They said it was taboo in their culture.  One fellow was a devout Catholic, another was a Jamaican Christian, (one of the healthiest men I ever knew).  Both of these fellows are into chemotherapy,and it is not going well for them.  Another was a very handsome guy who got laid a lot.  (He was tall and strong, and wanted to make sure that he was always ready in case an opportunity arose). As he got older, married and with responsibilities, he had less opportunity for sex, and because he was not in the habit of masturbating, he also suffered from a condition called prostatitis.  This is a very painful condition that results in sore testicles.  Guess what the cause is?  Guess what the cure is? 

The cause is blocked up sperm ducts, or something like that, and the cure is masturbation.  That is what the doctor told him to do! 

You have to keep those ducts open.  If you can’t do it with your partner, then do it by yourself!  Probably once a week is a good minimum.

Those of you who have ever had dogs would probably note that young puppies spend a lot of time being frisky. They rub themselves into things to ejaculate.  You see, Mother Nature knows what you have to do! And she is not a doctor!  That is why we give dogs orchidectomies, so that they no longer have to masturbate and mess up the house.  Of course it helps keep the dog population under control too!

We should probably start teaching our young males about the importance of masturbation as a healthy way of keeping the sex glands fully functioning, and avoiding prostate cancer.  I think it is an area that is ignored by many parents and educators.   But who would want to wish prostate cancer on anyone?  Something to think about. 

Masturbation is Mother Nature's way of keeping your penis in good working order so that it will be ready when you need it!  I suggest a daily dose if you can do it.  (I have been doing in since I was thirteen.)  If not, wait no longer than three days.  

Someone should probably write some comments about female masturbation.  They need to do this too!  

All of this is explained in my book, The Pecker Helper Handbook, essential reading for any guy who wants to make sure he is going to have a great sex life for all of his life, not just until he is forty.  The book is available at Kobo, Nook, Barnes and Noble and other e retailers.

You can also download it here at The Pecker Helper Handbook

To view the rest of this blog, go here: The Pecker Helper Blog

Bobi D Miles
Author:  The Pecker Helper Handbook


Thursday, January 26, 2017

Mrs. Grey - a bedtime story, sort of..........

When I was a boy, I had to earn extra spending money because my
parents did not have all the money in the world to spend on me and
my brothers and sisters.  In order to help pay my way I decided to
get a paper route.  This proved to be good for me because it gave
me the opportunity to earn some money, and also the opportunity to
meet other people.  I was able to exercise my skills in discourse
on the subjects of politics, the news, school, and whatever else
came up.  Often these conversations were initiated by the
customers who either had time to talk, or humor me with a
"conversation" which I at least appreciated.  Eventually, with
time, my verbal skills improved, and there were always a few people
who wanted longer conversations.  These conversations gave me the
opportunity to get to know other people and learn a few things. 
I was always a late developer so far as physical things went. 
While other kids in my school were sprouting beards, and developing
masculine physiques a la Charles Atlas, I was still smooth skinned
and slender.  Couldn't gain weight no matter how much I ate.  I
noticed however than I was not the only child in that situation as
some of the girls in my class were also developing at a slower pace
than the rest.  Not only was my physical development slower, but so
was my social development.  There were things that I neither
thought about, nor noticed.  Consequently, although I thought I
should be asking out some of the girls I met, I didn't know how,
nor why I should be doing it!
On the other hand, I was aware of the changes that were taking
place in my body including some adjustment to the sac between my
legs which seemed to be getting bigger and hanging lower, but not
the development of any pubic hair, oh and that other problem -
erections!  Anywhere, anytime.  Had to be careful not to look at
the Eaton's catalogue, or advertisements for women's swim suits, or
undies because sure enough, one would spring up, and they were hard
to get rid of!  Eventually, they would go away, but one time I
remember stroking myself, and something incredible happened.  A
blast of something came shooting out the end, and to this day I
never figured out where it went. The ceiling?  The wall? Through
the roof?  It could have because there was enough force!   And
there was only one blast, with no dribble.  What an experience.  I
don't even know if my parents ever found it because nothing was
said.  But then, they wouldn't have said anything anyway.  That was
not a subject that they wanted to discuss it seems.  Anyway, the
point of this is to set the scene for something that happened to me
while I  was out collecting money for the paper route. I usually
went out on Thursday evenings and tried to collect most of the
money.  Anything that I did not collect then would be got on Friday
night. Final collection would have to be Saturday morning
and then I would be free for the rest of the day until it was time 
o deliver the papers again.
That particular Saturday was warm, and humid.  The weatherman was
calling for thunder storms during the day, but at 10.00 am when I
went out, the sky was clear.  I wore a clean pressed white T shirt
and a pair of olive coloured shorts, and some white socks and
loafers.  I walked the 15 minutes to Mrs. Grey's house and rang her
bell.  She answered the door and said she would be right back, just
going to get the money.
Mrs. Grey liked me.  And I liked her.  She was not old, but not
young, probably somewhere between thirty and forty. It was hard to
tell.  She may have been a Canadian, but her husband was Scottish. 
He was a jolly fellow and strong, and I believe he worked in
construction or manufacturing.  She on the other hand had a job in
my school as a secretary.  She had access to files of all
students.  At the beginning of the school year, we were required to
fill out a form that asked a series of questions, including
religious persuasion.  I had filled out Sudanese sun worshipper in
jest, and she had actually asked me what a Sudanese sun worshipper
was, during the course of one of our many conversations.  I had
also noticed the way she looked at me, kind of like someone who may
have had a crush on someone.  I know she always enjoyed our
conversations, because I was the one who had to break them up. 
This particular morning wasn't likely to be any different, and I
didn't have anything planned so I expected a talk.  When she
returned, she was ready with the money, and just as I reached out
to accept it a loud clap of thunder signalled that a storm was
approaching.  Indeed, it was here!  The rain started coming down,
heavy, and then heavier. The sky darkened.  and it looked like it
was going to rain for some time. I wouldn't be going anwhere soon. 
Worse, the air turned cooler and wind blew the rain onto her
veranda, and there I was in my shorts and T shirt, starting to get
wet.  She immediately invited me in and said I could wait out the
storm in her place.  Besides her husband was at work and wouldn't
be home till later. 
Then she asked me if I would like something to drink.  I said
sure.  Next thing I knew, I had a coke in my hand and was being
directed to sit in her living room on the sofa, a love-seat.  Mrs.
Grey seated herself next to me which I thought a bit close, but
then she got up and did two things I thought a bit strange.  She
closed the venetian blinds at the front of the house, and made sure
the front door was bolted.  She then came back and seated herself
opposite me, in a single seater tub chair.
I should tell you that she was wearing a pair of shorts, not hot
pants but very brief, with a little bit of show through where her
legs emerged from the short.   Her legs were meaty, with a
pronounced image of blue veins, but not a varicose vein, and pure
white.  She did not sun tan.  She wore a loose fitting blouse,
sleeveless and open cut at the neck.  Comfortable for a hot day and
providing enough coverage while standing up.  We talked, as
expected and outside, the storm continued.  It rained heavily for a
while, then somewhat lighter, then there would be thunder and
lightning, and it got darker as the storm progressed.  As we
continued our conversation, I managed to finish my coke, and being
a good hostess, she offered to get me another.  As she got up off
the chair, she uncrossed her legs, and that was when I got a
glimpse of the white of her panties in the opening between the
short, and her thigh.  Whoops, I started to feet warm.  She came
over to where I was sitting and bent over to retrieve the empty
glass from the coffee table where I had left it.  As she did so,
the opening of the blouse revealed to me the exposed area of her
breasts which were not covered by her bra. It wasn't a lot, but it
was enough for me.  I went from being warm to being hot.  When she
walked away, my eyes focused on the shape of her ass and that part
of her bum which was showing beneath the cloth of her shorts.  It
wiggled pleasantly before my eyes.  I was now feeling very
uncomfortable.  When she returned with a fresh coke, she again bent
forward revealing her covered breasts to me, and that started  me
over the edge.  My erection began in earnest, growing without the
least bit of concern for dignity or propriety.  It showed itself to
the left of my zipper, inside my shorts but proudly standing
straight and hard leaving no doubt as to its presence to all
viewers, both myself and her. She just sat down in her chair,
parting her legs slightly which of course afforded an additional
view of the white panty covering her crotch but not fully hiding
the curly patch which was flowing over the edge of her panty line,
and now I was in trouble. 
All I could say was, " Look, I'm sorry."  Her reply was, "It's
ok.  Don't apologise."  At this point she got up from the chair and
went to the front window, peering through the end of the already
closed blinds, and closed the only open window.  She then went to
the back of the house and drew the curtains, and returned to where
I was sitting, stopping right in front of me and getting down on
her knees.  She pushed back the coffee table as it to make more
room. She looked at me, and placed her hand on my bare thigh and
said, "No need to be embarrassed, I'll consider this to be a
compliment.  May I see it?" 
She had asked permission but didn't wait for my reply!  She just
undid my zipper and button, and pulled down both my shorts and my
underwear in one easy motion.  I was dumbfounded.  Next she put her
hand on my straining protuberance and in no time placed it in her
mouth.  She started sucking on it and moving her lips up and down
the head of my penis.  I was feeling quite delirious at this moment
and completely lost control of all sense of everything.  Everything
focused on my penis which was being sucked with such enthusiasm by
Mrs. Grey that it felt like it was the centre of the universe.  In
no time, I was coming, exploding into her mouth just like that
first time I exploded in the bathroom.
I had  hardly noticed the build up to this moment, but I did
notice that Mrs. Grey did not stop sucking, in fact she continued
without missing a beat.  She must have swallowed all of my
ejaculate, and continued on trying to get more. No more to to come,
but this action did have the result of keeping me very hard, erect,
stiff, whatever you want to call it, which may have been her
intention.  Without missing a beat, she took her mouth off my cock,
replaced it with her hand  and then removed both her shorts, and her
panties, with the other hand.  She directed me to change my
position on the sofa so that I was lying flat out on its length,
and then she climbed on top of me, putting her legs on either side
of me at my waist all the while holding my erection pointing
straight up.  I could smell a strange fragrance in the air which
became more noticeable where she parted her legs to straddle me. 
She then took my penis, and aimed it at her thigh, rubbing it into
the bushy part.  I am forever glad that she knew what to do,
because I wouldn't have been able to help her. Maybe I would have
figured it out soon enough, because I was pretty aroused and had a
sense of what was about to happen, but it would have been instinct
rather than knowledge that would have driven my efforts. 
Outside, the storm was raging, driving rain against the windows at
the front of the house, that sound punctuated by the occasional
clap of thunder.  Inside, my penis was now surrounded by the
gripping walls of Mrs. Grey's vagina, and what a pleasurable
feeling it was.  Warm, smooth, wet, squeezing, all at the same
time.  She started to slide up and down my rigid pole sometimes
almost letting it slip out but not quite.  The moment where the
bottom part of the head was exposed to the air and then recaptured
by her furry lips was exquisite, giving a pleasure that only a male
can appreciate.  I got the idea to start to thrust up as she slid
down.  The pressure where our thighs met was wonderful.  How can
one describe the pleasure of thrusting ones hips forward to meet a
perfectly matched thigh thrusting in the opposite direction.  I
liked the feeling  and so continued to thrust up while she slid
down, and when she lifted up, I withdrew.  We established a good
rhythm, and soon the sound of the pounding rain on the roof was
replaced with the pounding of our hearts as we converged and
withdrew. Once, we separated, and she wasted no time in grabbing me
and directing me back in.  My cock, was shiny with our juices and
very slippery.  The second time we separated, she grabbed me again,
directed me back in , and then changed positions so that there was
no way I could slip out.   She now pressed down on me and began a
furious  pounding on my groin which almost hurt except for the
overall joy I was experiencing, and soon she was making some very
heavy breathing noises.  I knew something was happening.  She let
out a loud moan, followed by more.  I could feel my rod being
squeezed, and that had the effect on me.  I started to cum letting
out several grunts and groans.
  She came to a rest on me, catching her breath, and I noticed
that I could no longer feel the erection within her, because it was
subsiding.  Then she raised herself off me and before I had a
chance to look at the mixture of liquid that was all over my groin,
and penis, she pulled up my under pants and my shorts.  She put on
her own panties and wiped the inside of her thigh with her hand,
then wiped that on the outside of her shorts.
 She knelt beside me and said." Now I'm the one who should be
embarrassed. I guess I lost control of myself. I hope that you
won't tell anybody!"  I swore that I would not tell a soul.  If I
had told anyone what had happened, no-one would have believed me
anyway, not my friends, and I certainly wasn't going to tell my
parents!  I got up off the sofa, and grabbed my collection book. 
The storm appeared to have moved on, and it was ok for me to
leave.  I actually thanked Mrs. Grey for everything, including the
2 cokes!  I said it was great.  And it was. It was fantastic. Wow! 
She suggested that perhaps we could do it again sometime  and I
said that would be OK. 
I walked home, and my mother asked me if I got caught in the
storm.  I told her that I had waited it out on a customer's porch. 
I went up stairs, still flabbergasted by what had happened.  I
realized that I needed to pee, so I went into the bathroom, locked
the door, and pulled down my zipper.  I pulled out my penis and I
was surprised that it was not wet as it had once been.  As I
fondled it, getting ready to urinate, I noticed a strange odor
arising from my crotch, clearly a musty fragrance which I
attributed to Mrs.Grey.  I also noticed a powdery film of white
dust which seemed to disintegrate as I moved my hand around the
head.  More evidence of our intimacy.  I directed my stream into
the toilet bowl, and contemplated my new found knowledge.  I hoped
I could put it to good use.
The end.

Hope you enjoyed this story.  If you would like to read more, you can download my ebook, The Pecker Helper Handbook, essential reading for any guy who wants to make sure he is going to have a great sex life for all of his life, not just until he is forty.  The book is available at Kobo, Nook, Barnes and Noble and other e retailers.
You can also download it here at The Pecker Helper Handbook
To view the rest of this blog, go here: The Pecker Helper Blog


Monday, January 23, 2017

Multiple sex partners? Best Practices:

Not all of us have the same sexual drive.  This can be a problem, especially if your partner eventually seems to have a different requirement from you.  This article is written from the perspective that you want more, and they want less. What do you do?

Depending on what you want out of the relationship, you may have gone into the relationship knowing that your partner has a lower libido than you do.  In that case, you may already have a number of sexual partners whom you want to keep around for emergencies.  Let's say for arguments sake that there is nothing wrong with that arrangement.  Even if you are in a swinging relationship, perhaps the following suggestions would be useful. 

What are the best practices going forward?

It would be wise to keep this from your partner.  You do not want any jealousies to flare up which could ruin your primary relationship.  

It might make sense to keep your other partners outside of the social circles of you and your partner.  That way they may never cross and hopefully, other people in your social circles will not clue into it.  You hear the stories of people who end up romancing their partners best friend, or someone close to them.  Honestly, the pleasure gained is not worth the heartbreak that will come.  The worst part is that if you and your original partner break up, and you partner up with the friend, then you will never have the complete trust of the new partner because your modus operandi has already been outlined, and now trust will be a huge issue.  

Perhaps practising safe sex would be a good idea, just to ensure that you don't start infecting your partner and creating some awkward moments in that primary relationship. It could be horrible too if the main partner gets pregnant after a secondary partner gets pregnant.  Everything will spiral downward from there.  It would not be worth the pain, and now there will be extra people involved.   

Depending on the relationship with the secondary providers, perhaps you should make sure that they know their status in the relationship. If you are leading them on with professions of true love, someone is going to be awfully hurt if they find out that they are not number one when they thought they were.   And, it might not be the someone you think it will be. And it could be a bunch of someones!  

Anyway, these are a few thoughts on this interesting subject. Your comments are welcome. 

This and other stuff like it is explained in my book, The Pecker Helper Handbook, essential reading for any guy who wants to make sure he is going to have a great sex life for all of his life, not just until he is forty.  The book is available at Kobo, Nook, Barnes and Noble and other e retailers.

You can also download it here at The Pecker Helper Handbook

To view the rest of this blog, go here: The Pecker Helper Blog

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

The Language of Love

The Language of Love

Sometimes, it is confusing to figure out the signals a woman is sending you.  You are wondering whether she is interested in starting a sexual relationship with you, but you don't want to risk embarrassing yourself or her. So you both miss out and she goes elsewhere looking for a guy with better communication skills.  

You can of course just opt for the direct approach.  "You wanna go to bed?" You could get slapped and ruin the friendship, or you could get lucky.  Me, I would rather try the more subtle approach.  By that I mean that I want the lady to make some moves to show that she is receptive to enjoying some intimate behavior with me. 

Most likely she is not going to grab my crotch, or throw me down on the floor and jump on me, or even take off her clothes for me. Most would be too sober in the first place, and also, I find, they prefer to be somewhat modest and not disclose to the world that they want to engage like a wanton whore. 

So what are the signs that I look for?

Listen carefully to what they say.  

If a woman says:  "You are a handsome man.", then that means she is definitely interested and wants you to engage further with her.   A good response is:  "You are a very attractive woman and I am very interested in you."  At that point you should be able to both go someplace private and begin some intimate activities. 

Another phrase to listen for is: "I am really enjoying this friendship."  A good lead on question on your part would be:  "Me too, I wonder what we could do to make it more enjoyable?"  She should come up with a suggestion pretty damn quickly.  And the best part is, it was her idea.  

Or how about this:  "I really like what you have been doing for me; if there is anything you want, and I mean anything at all, it's yours."  What you might have figured out here is that women are not very direct.   They sure like to beat around the bush.  But that statement is about as direct as most women will get without being afraid of being a vamp.  You just have to recognize it and be ready to give them an indication that you are interested. "Well, there is one thing that you could do for me, something that only you could do, and I would be very interested in doing it with you." Then just ask her if you can go to bed with her. 

I have had the occasional woman plant a kiss on my lips. I thought that was a pretty good invitation to engage intimately with her.  That happens less often than the other above mentioned phrases. 

Once I was sitting drinking a beer with a friend after a badminton match and she did take her finger and touch the bare skin of my upper thigh.   I touched her back in the same place on her thigh, gently, as she had touched me.  Well, the rest is history.  

Lets face it. Without a little love in your life, things can be very unexciting.  Look for the signs and you can open doors that perhaps you thought were closed.  

All of this is explained in my book, The Pecker Helper Handbook, essential reading for any guy who wants to make sure he is going to have a great sex life for all of his life, not just until he is forty.  The book is available at Kobo, Nook, Barnes and Noble and other e retailers.

You can also download it here at The Pecker Helper Handbook

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